Subscriber Plan Association Data

This endpoint returns the plans (roughly equivalent to NCS Subscription) that are associated with a given Subscriber.  This endpoint requires a starting date and ending date be passed in to set the range of dates in which the plans were associated with the subscriber.

The API endpoint is at:

https://{yourdomain}/appservices/api/v1/External/Data/NCS/Plans? startDate=2016-10-01endDate=2016-10-02


startDate Date-Time (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) assumed UTC The earliest purchase date and time for which you would like to retrieve plan data associated with a subscriber
endDate Date-Time (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) assumed UTC The latest purchase date and time for which you would like to retrieve plan data associated with a subscriber


Http Status Code Description
404 - Not Found Response if there are no plans purchased within the given date range
400 - Bad Request Response if the request parameters are malformed (i.e., end date before start date)
200 - Ok Success Response. See below for JSON details

Response body is in JSON format.  Example:

    UserId: 0,
    PlanId: 0,
    PurchaseDate: 2016-10-25T21:57:40.650Z,
    ExpirationDate: 2016-10-25T21:57:40.650Z,
    CancelledDate: 2016-10-25T21:57:40.650Z,
    OriginalPlanCode: string,
    OriginalPlanName: string,
    MappedPlan: true,
    CirculationSystemPlanId: string
UserId Int Unique, immutable, identifier for the subscriber. Corresponds to UserId in the Subscribers extract
PlanId Int Internal identifier for the Plan that was associated with the subscriber. This is a syncAccess Plan identifier and is meaningless within the NCS system.
PurchaseDate Date-time (UTC) The date and time that the plan was purchased (NOTE: For a synchronized plan, this can indicate the date and time that the plan was added by a host circulation system synchronization)
ExpirationDate Date-time (UTC) The date that the subscriber's plan is set to expire. (NOTE: this is NOT the subscription expiration date within NCS. This is a Digital-Paymeter-specific value that should not be construed as the actual subscription expiration)
CancelledDate Date-time (UTC) The date that the subscriber's plan was cancelled. (NOTE: For a plan that is being synchronized from a host circulation system, this represents the date and time that the underlying subscription data in NCS no longer qualified as an Active Subscription) 
OriginalPlanCode Text The syncAccess Plan Code at the time the plan was associated with the subscriber.
OriginalPlanName Text The syncAccess Plan Name at the time the plan was associated with the subscriber.
MappedPlan Boolean Indicates whether or not the plan was associated to the subscriber via a purchase (MappedPlan==false) or as the result of Subscriber Activation against an existing NCS subscription (MappedPlan==true)
CirculationSystemPlanId Text The NCS subscription ID (aka Account Number) associated with the NCS subscription from which this Plan was mapped.