Subscriber Plan Association Data
This endpoint returns the plans (roughly equivalent to NCS Subscription) that are associated with a given Subscriber. This endpoint requires a starting date and ending date be passed in to set the range of dates in which the plans were associated with the subscriber.
The API endpoint is at:
https://{yourdomain}/appservices/api/v1/External/Data/NCS/Plans? startDate=2016-10-01endDate=2016-10-02
startDate | Date-Time (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) assumed UTC | The earliest purchase date and time for which you would like to retrieve plan data associated with a subscriber |
endDate | Date-Time (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) assumed UTC | The latest purchase date and time for which you would like to retrieve plan data associated with a subscriber |
Http Status Code | Description |
404 - Not Found | Response if there are no plans purchased within the given date range |
400 - Bad Request | Response if the request parameters are malformed (i.e., end date before start date) |
200 - Ok | Success Response. See below for JSON details |
Response body is in JSON format. Example:
UserId: 0,
PlanId: 0,
PurchaseDate: 2016-10-25T21:57:40.650Z,
ExpirationDate: 2016-10-25T21:57:40.650Z,
CancelledDate: 2016-10-25T21:57:40.650Z,
OriginalPlanCode: string,
OriginalPlanName: string,
MappedPlan: true,
CirculationSystemPlanId: string
UserId | Int | Unique, immutable, identifier for the subscriber. Corresponds to UserId in the Subscribers extract |
PlanId | Int | Internal identifier for the Plan that was associated with the subscriber. This is a syncAccess Plan identifier and is meaningless within the NCS system. |
PurchaseDate | Date-time (UTC) | The date and time that the plan was purchased (NOTE: For a synchronized plan, this can indicate the date and time that the plan was added by a host circulation system synchronization) |
ExpirationDate | Date-time (UTC) | The date that the subscriber's plan is set to expire. (NOTE: this is NOT the subscription expiration date within NCS. This is a Digital-Paymeter-specific value that should not be construed as the actual subscription expiration) |
CancelledDate | Date-time (UTC) | The date that the subscriber's plan was cancelled. (NOTE: For a plan that is being synchronized from a host circulation system, this represents the date and time that the underlying subscription data in NCS no longer qualified as an Active Subscription) |
OriginalPlanCode | Text | The syncAccess Plan Code at the time the plan was associated with the subscriber. |
OriginalPlanName | Text | The syncAccess Plan Name at the time the plan was associated with the subscriber. |
MappedPlan | Boolean | Indicates whether or not the plan was associated to the subscriber via a purchase (MappedPlan==false) or as the result of Subscriber Activation against an existing NCS subscription (MappedPlan==true) |
CirculationSystemPlanId | Text | The NCS subscription ID (aka Account Number) associated with the NCS subscription from which this Plan was mapped. |