Digital Access Activity Data
This endpoint returns the raw user activity data recorded by syncAccess. This includes both anonymous user activity and subscriber activity. This data extract requires a start and end date parameter to restrict the range of data being returned. This is the largest (in terms of record count) data extract so care should be taken with the date ranges. Every time a user access a metered page, a record is recorded in this data set. It's common to see ~ 100K records per day recorded here. Date Ranges should be kept to a few days to ensure prompt responses from the endpoint.
This endpoint is located at: https://{yourdomain}/appservices/api/v1/External/Data/Paymeter? startDate=2016-10-01endDate=2016-10-02
startDate | Date-Time (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) assumed UTC | Starting date and time of the requested date range |
endDate | Date-Time (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) assumed UTC | Ending date and time of the requested date range |
Http Status Code | Description |
404 - Not Found | Response if there are not activity records found during the date range provided |
400 - Bad Request | Response if the request parameters are malformed (i.e., end date before start date) |
200 - Ok | Success Response. See below for JSON details |
Response body is in JSON format. For example:
TrackingId: 123,
ContentId: string,
SessionId: string,
UserId: 0,
PaymeterEvent: string,
OccurredOn: 2016-10-06T21:55:30.963,
Channel: string
TrackingId | Long | Internal PK for meter activity data. Not used outside of this particular dataset |
ContentId | String | Specific Content Category that is associated with the metered content being accessed. This is a free-form string set by customer. |
SessionId | String (guid) | A UUID used to identify the anonymous user's session when accessing content. |
UserId | Int | Unique, immutable, identifier for the subscriber. Corresponds to UserId in the Subscribers extract. Value is 0 if data was accessed by a non-logged-in user (aka anonymous user). Non-zero values indicate a logged in user accessed content. |
PaymeterEvent | String |
Identifier for the particular event that was triggered by this
activity. Values will be:
Wall - A model paywall was presented to user Warning - An alert/nag was presented to user. Blank - This indicates a normal, allowed (authorized) access to content. |
OccurredOn | Date-Time (UTC) | The specific date and time of the activity stored as a UTC value. |
Channel | String | The mechanism through which the metered content was accessed (usually just 'web' or 'e-edition') |
Example output:
TrackingId: 115,
ContentId: paid,
SessionId: 8fb74d91-4e33-4857-af4d-5c99ecbccd1c,
UserId: 0,
PaymeterEvent: ,
OccurredOn: 2016-10-06T21:55:30.963,
Channel: web
TrackingId: 116,
ContentId: paid,
SessionId: 8fb74d91-4e33-4857-af4d-5c99ecbccd1c,
UserId: 0,
PaymeterEvent: Warning,
OccurredOn: 2016-10-06T21:55:45.443,
Channel: web