Purchased Plans By Origin Data

Note: This data extract is available as of version

This endpoint returns the raw plan purchase data by the origin from which the user entered the purchase flow.  This data only applies to purchased plans and associates the purchased plan to a specific user and a specific origin value.

This endpoint is located at:  https://{yourdomain}/appservices/api/v1/External/Data/ NCS/PurchasedPlans? request.startDate=2017-01-01request.endDate=2017-12-31


startDate Date-Time (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) assumed UTC Starting date and time of the requested date range
endDate Date-Time (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss) assumed UTC Ending date and time of the requested date range


Http Status Code Description
404 - Not Found Response if there are not activity records found during the date range provided
400 - Bad Request Response if the request parameters are malformed (i.e., end date before start date)
200 - Ok Success Response. See below for JSON details

Response body is in JSON format. For example:

    PlanId: 3,
    Origin: offers,
    UserId: 145,
    PurchaseDate: 2017-05-22T15:43:54.493
    PlanId: 3,
    Origin: offers,
    UserId: 150,
    PurchaseDate: 2017-07-18T20:42:45.487
    PlanId: 3,
    Origin: offers,
    UserId: 154,
    PurchaseDate: 2017-07-18T22:50:07.983
    PlanId: 3,
    Origin: offers,
    UserId: 155,
    PurchaseDate: 2017-07-19T15:53:59.59
    PlanId: 14,
    Origin: offers,
    UserId: 176,
    PurchaseDate: 2017-09-27T19:59:57.01
PlanId Int Internal identifier for the specific plan that was purchased.
Origin String The customer-defined starting point of the user's purchase workflow.
UserId Int Internal identifier for the user account that purchased the plan.
PurchaseDate DateTime (UTC) Date and time (UTC) that the plan was purchased.