What's New in Version

Released May 1, 2019

New Functionality Added in

Subscriber Content Access Report

Administrators can now get a list of current subscribers that have actively viewed content within a given time period. This will help to identify your truly active subscribers (those folks that regularly visit your web site) and also to identify subscribers that look to be losing interest.  For example, if I find that [email protected] hasn't viewed any content at all within the last month, I might want to reach out to him with some incentives or to solicit feedback, etc.

The Subscriber Activity Report page now has an active link for subscribers that Accessed Digital Content.  The Dashboard provides the total number of subscribers that accessed content during the given time period.  Clicking the new link will download a CSV file that provides the details of those subscribers.


Note: If you have a very large number of subscribers in your system, the download could take a little bit of time. The details for all subscribers are downloaded whether or not they accessed content.  That way, you can use a tool like MS Excel to filter the results to isolate very active subscribers, subscribers that seem to be slowing down, etc.

Contact Syncronex Support if you have any questions about this new feature.

Olive E-Edition Integration in Default Workflow

Olive E-Edition has been supported for quite some time in our original workflow but it has now finally been ported to our newer default workflow.  Configuration is same as before (really only requiring that Olive be given the appropriate target URL to which the E-Edition should point for authentication).  The integration works just like it did in our older workflows and allows seamless authentication between your E-Edition and syncAccess.

Contact Syncronex Support if you have any questions about this new feature.

Top Issues Fixed in

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Plan View details from appearing at the top of the Register page in the default workflow.  Users will now be able to see a reminder of the plan they've chosen to purchase through all steps of the purchase workflow.
  • Fixed the system to support Apple's Intelligent Tracking Prevention in Safari when employing the Customer Domain features (that's where we allow syncAccess to be hosted behind a customer's sub-domain like subscribe.acme.com).  Subscribers now correctly stay logged in between the newspaper web site and syncAccess when using Safari browsers configured to "Prevent Cross-Site Tracking".
  • Fixed a bug in our CircPro Circulation System integration that was preventing former subscribers from being able to renew their previous subscriptions or to get new subscriptions to the same publication.
  • Other minor performance enhancements and bug fixes.