What's New in Version

Released October 20, 2020

Better Integration with Payway (formerly 'Edgil') payment gateway

We've updated our Original Workflow integration with Edgil (now Payway) replacing the old "Hosted Order Form" with the new Payway services.  This creates a much cleaner payment form in the workflow (your user are no longer redirected to a separate page to enter payment info).  The new form has better validation as well, ensuring your customers are able to quickly see and correct accidental data-entry errors.

New content authorization indicator on the subscriber details page

We've added an indicator to the Customer Service/Administrative console for subscribers that allows your administrators or Customer Service Representatives to quickly spot potential content access problems.  

The new indicator will tell you if the subscriber has full access to content1, partial access to just some types of content2, or not access at all3.

We've added the "Purchase Origin" flag to our User Data Extract reports for customers using the Default Workflow

The default workflow allows for capturing an arbitrary 'purchase origin' value that indicates from where a subscriber purchased her subscription.  Up until now, it was difficult to associate subscribers with this tracking origin.  We've made this easier by including the data in the User Data Extract reports.  You are now able to download the user data (in CSV format) and perform analysis on the data including the origin from which a subscription was purchased.